Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Headed to New York

Ok, case you missed it, I wasn't able to blog from New York as hoped. The internet connection in the room was reeeeeeealllllly bad! So, I've decded that, even though I'm home now, I'll blog by day of the trip so that it isn't a FOREVER long single blog...please remember though, that I am verbose and like to talk alot!!! Here goes:
So, on Tuesday I came home from rehearsal and packed. Now, see...that sounds so simple! In reality it was a VERY difficult thing to do! See, sweaters and sweatshirts don't fold down as small as, say, a tank or fitted t. It took some work, but I was finally happy with the packing around 12:30 am. I went ot bed and slept well until my alarm went off. Got up and was off to school. It was actually a really good day at school! The other teacher/interpreters let me leave early so I could get all my crap taken care of and get the heck out of dodge. So, about 3:15 I hit the road and headed up to David's. I got to David's a bit before about 4:45. Daron, Stefanie, and Monica got there to pick me up shortly after that. We put my stuff in the car and I crawled in back. I almost forgot my new red jacket -- you know, the one I bought for this trip?! Sheesh!

So we head off...poor Monica's car! By the time we arrived at the airport with our 4 big suitcases, the 4 of us, our coats, carry-ons, etc, her car was struggling! We parked the poor thing in remote parking and hopped a bus to our terminal!

We got to our terminal, checked in and flew to New York. The flight was not full so we got to sit with a chair between us (me and Daron on one side, Monica and Stefanie on the other). I read the whole way there. One of the best parts of the trip was the descent! The city lights were AMAZING! I can't even begin to describe it and, of course, didn't have my camera out...anyway, it was beautiful! There were all the grids of lights, buildings, etc. Amazing! I was sooo excited!

We landed, got our stuff and headed out for a cab. We ended up with a 4 door car and crammed all of us and our stuff into it! We all sat in the backseat, since no one wanted to volunteer to sit up front! Wish we had a picture of that too! We got to the hotel, checked in and then went up to our room. To take an elevator from the lobby you had to show the concierge your room key. Then you punched the number into a panel and it gave you the letter of the elevator you should take. We mostly took E and F, though once or twice we had H....

We walked in and found a TINY hotel room. When you walk in there is a door immediately to your left and right. On the right is the bathroom and on the left, the closet. You cannot open both doors at once, don't try! The bathroom was pretty tight too! A pedestal sink with the shower across from it and the toilet in between. Be sure to stay single file! Into the room you go...on one side are 2 queen size beds and on the wall is a dresser. We got all of us in enough to close the door and real maneuvering began! Where to put 4 large suitcases?! In the end mine lay at one end of the dresser and Daron's at the other. Monica and Stefanie unpacked one suitcase into the dresser and the other stayed zipped and standing most of the time. Daron and I used the other dresser drawer for our dirty clothes.

(these room pics were taken as we left -- but you get the idea... The top pic is from the 'entry' area and the bottom is from inside the room....see where the doors are....)

Once we figured out the room situation we got ready for bed and went to bed. Notice I say we went to bed, and not to sleep! We actually layed in bed talking and stuff for a while...and finally went to sleep! We were finally in New York!!!

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