Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hanging pictures...

So, tonight my friend Andrew came over to help hang pictures. Well, we started by eating spaghetti and corn, and watching Three and A Half Men. When we finally started working, we started with the 'big picture' over the fireplace. In this phase I hit my elbow on the corner of the frame. It hurt....badly. It still hurts, but I'm planning on it getting better soon! Here's the finished product of that venture...I had to take the pic at a weird angle b/c it reflects things badly! Anyway - there it is!

Then we moved on to spoon cabinets. These have always been such a pain for me to hang, but Andrew quickly came up with a system that worked and have them up in no time. They span the 2 walls in my dinig area (3 on one wall, 2 on the other). Please note they are hung with space between them. This is so I can add cabinets as needed!

Then it was time to deal with the crosses! In Granbury I had a 'cross wall' and really wanted one here, but I didn't really have a good place. So, I changed it up a bit. I hung 3 of them above the bar space between my kitchen and living areas. Then the rest of them on the wall behind the couch. (I did leave one purple one to hang in my bathroom b/c all my bathroom stuff is purple, but all the rest are out here.
While I was deciding which crosses should go where, Andrew went into the guest room (which up until tonight was the 'box' room -- well, it still is -- all the boxes are now shoved into the closet...) and set up the bed and moved the bookshelves and cabinet Grandpa made into their new 'homes'. I don't have pics b/c my phone won't pan out far enough and I don't currently have a working camera (sad, I know). Then we hung the crosses and then he said he could do one more project, but then had to leave. So I decided to hang the family picture collection. They're old, but they're good! I need to get new ones, but it's hard to get a full family shot with all of us running different directions all the time! Anyway, here's the final result of that!
And there you have it! Now all I have to do is unpack the boxes in my closet (please pray we don't have any cold weather before I get them out again -- all my warm clothes are stuck behind them!), and hang the rest of the pictures...my beauty and the beast poster, 1 Corinthians 13 frame, the mirrors, and the 18 pics of me, Amy, and Allison.
Will keep things updated as I get more done around the apartment...

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