Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Some days....

So today at SCHOOL was pretty awesome! My screamer stopped screaming for the first time this week! After school we had a meeting, but I was let out early so that I could go get my car! I was really excited to be picking up my car! I went to the rental place and dropped off the rental (where I found out insurance only paid through Nov 3 even though they KNEW my car was still at Bird Kultgen. They've told me this is 'normal', insurance just needs to update I called my agent!). Despite insurances little glitch, I was still excited. Then I get there and see it and all those bad feelings came back. But, still, I pay and get in and find 4 miles till empty. My car has been sitting at Bird Kultgen's lot for 3 weeks and they couldn't find time to put gas in it. I mean, it's a dealership, I know they have a gas pump there somewhere! 4 miles! So, after I'd just put gas in the rental to return it, I had to go FILL up my tank. Then I drove to West to drop my car off at Sykora. Great place that Sykora! I now have a rental...that I got with 1/4 of a tank. Sigh - this is the gas day.

Anyway, so most of the evening I was dealing with my emotions related to the car. I wanted to cry when in it. There's all this change in it that they moved around and stuff and so I told Sykora to get rid of it. I know that's silly. Surely that money would buy me a coke or 2, but it grosses me out! I also asked Sykora to make my car SMELL better. They shampooed the carpets and seats and then rolled the windows up and left it...blech.

Ok, so deal with that, go sing Chritmas music (I love Christmas music) and then come home. Go to get ready for bed and find I have no water. Call the office and find it's complex wide. Now, I'm going to bed, praying for water in my house in the morning so I can shower for work. Some days, the best thing you can do is go to bed and pray.

Dear Lord, make it all work out. Amen

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