Friday, June 11, 2010

Camp Teen Challenge

Yeah, I know - I never post anything....but this week I worked at a camp for Visually Impaired students from ages 13-22.

Wow! I don't even know where to start! I am so grateful for this experience! Things I want to remember:

*Students blossom in unimaginable ways when restrictions are removed! This week ALL of the kids had some kind of vision issue. In addition, several of the adults working the camp wore glasses or contacts, or had vision impairments of their own. All the rest of the workers refused to see these kids vision as a problem or a hinderance, but as a unique characteristic that made them just exactly who they needed to be. With loads of encouragement and support, these kids blossomed!

*No vision = no fear! These kids accomplished feats at higher heights than I ever would dare! They climbed rock walls to a zip line and sky surfed. They went fishing (even touched the fish!) and played Beep Baseball (the bases and the balls beep different sounds). They shot bows and arrows, and diced veggies. I'm telling you - they were amazing!

*Role Models make allllll the difference! Many of the staffers at this camp had overcome impairments and disabilities of their own. Several of them have physical deformities, but they were so honest and open with the other kids. One staffer had a prosthetic leg, several had deformities with their hands, one had broken his back ealier in the year. These were the kids hoisting the students to the top of the tower for the zip line. These were the life guards with their legs dangling in the pool. They talked with the kids, told them about their life experiences, and showed them THEY CAN!

Now, you may be asking what was I doing at this camp? I was there to work with the 2 deaf/blind students. One of the students was a high functioning 15 year old boy. We mostly just interpreted the group events and helped others communicate as needed. Then we had a 22 year old with multiple issues. She had never made it through a week of camp before, but this was her last year. I fell in love with this wonderful young lady. She snores louder than anyone I have ever heard in my life, and is the first to drill, zip line, or splash in the pool. She LOVES to eat (especially ice cream), and when she builds that trust relationship with you - she seeks you out for a hug, a goodnight kiss, or a snuggle.

This week was truly fanstastic, and I hope I have the oppotunity to work something like it again someday! :)

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