Saturday, September 18, 2010

Back Blogging: Day w/Thomas

One day this summer I got to spend some quality time with Thomas. To be honest, I can't remember why - just know mom & Allison were busy doing something else, so I kept up with T. First we went to the eye dr. so I could see about getting new glasses. He was so good and looked at the magazines while I talked. Then we went to the mall and played at the play area. (Well, he played - I sat!)
First he expertly jumped from bug to flower and back...

Then he rested a bit & just sat on the toys...

Then we took a picture....

But he had an even better idea......To take a picture of me! :)
Then he played a bit longer and it was time to go home. On the way out of the mall we stopped into a toy store (he asked if we could look). He found a puzzle that was only 5 dollars so his wonderful aunt bought it. We went home and worked it as soon as we could!
I love special days with T-man! :)

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