Wednesday, September 26, 2012

One Year - Part 2

I'm sure you noticed we only made it through the 6th month anniversary on the first here's the rest of the year....

March 31, 2012
--Darren came for a visit!

April 4, 2012
--Alan's brother Francis passed away. We didn't get to go to the funeral, but we did get skyped in for the last prayers.

April 7, 2012
--Reagan and Mark get married in San Antonio. Darren and Alan were groomsmen and I was in Reagan's houseparty. It was so fun to return the favors she did for me during our wedding! We sure miss them!

April 9, 2012
--Alan starts his first American job!!!

April 15, 2012
--My Birthday! :)

April 21, 2012

--We headed to Waco with Allison and Thomas for our (me and Allison's) good friend Marnie's wedding. Another fun wedding day!

May 2, 2012
--We joined a gym. (We used it for about 2 months....sad, huh?)

May 19-20, 2012
--Back to Fort Worth where we celebrated Alan's birthday with the Huffman's (a week early)

May 22, 2012
--Alan's Birthday!

May 26, 2012
--Alan's Birthday Party - complete with pony rides!

--We adopted our second dog, Lily.

May 28-29, 2012
--Leanne auditions for Sarah, Plain and Tall....and convinces the director Alan would love to be in it too!

May 30, 2012
--Leanne gets cast as Adult Anna
--Alan gets cast in 2 minor rolls


June 29, 2012
--we got to go see our great friends the Irby's in Fort Worth!

June 17, 2012
--Mercy started her second round of obedience classes, but was a bit overwhelmed so....

June 24, 2012
--(not so) Little Lily started her first round of obedience classes. (Best idea EVER!)

June 31, 2012
--Alan and Leanne move 4 houses down to their second house. Not as nice as the first...and not unpacked until mid-September!

August 2012
--Leanne went to workshops and got ready to go back to school...and school started.

September 2012


And there you have it, my friends...the year in review.

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