Saturday, May 30, 2009


This is a song that was written for the AG missions push this year. The words have really spoken to me so now I am posting them for you!

Its so easy to get caught behind stained glass walls that we never hear the distant cry, miss the gospel call. He has called us to a purpose much greater than ourselves. We must be His hand and feet and reach somebody else. How can we turn away? We just might be the only hope they will ever know!

Unless someone goes, unless someone cares, unless somebody sacrifices all to share the love of Jesus. Then how will they see? How can they believe that he came and died to make the sinner free? How will the lost and dying know, unless someone goes?!

I know its hard to comprehend there are those beyond this land who have never even had the chance to hear salvations plan. They are brothers, they are sisters with a purpose yet to find and if we ignore the Fathers voice they may never realize. Oh Lord consume us now! Ignite a passion in our hearts and help us understand!

Unless someone goes, unless someone cares, unless somebody sacrifices all to share the love of Jesus. Then how can they see? How can they believe that He came and died to make the sinner free? How will the lost and dying know, unless someone goes?!

Just think if someone had never taken time to reach and touch the emptiness within your heart and mind!

Unless someone goes, unless someone cares, unless somebody sacrifices all to share the love of Jesus. Then how will they see? How can they believe that he came and died to make the sinner free? How will the lost and dying know unless someone goes!

--please think on this! And please forgive typos, I did this on my phone!

1 comment:

  1. its a beautiful song, with beautiful lyrics. i heard it on youtube... heres the link
    i want to find the soundtrack so that i can sing it at my church's missions service. any ideas where i can find it?
