Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Highlights of Church

Tonight I went up to church. I stopped off al Philip's first to take him his Will and Grace seasons I borrowed like a year ago. He fed me dinner too...well, I made a bologna (seriously - why is that word pronounced baloney?) sandwhich. Thanks Philip!!

Then I went to church. Debbie text me on the way up that there wouldn't be Praise and Worship b/c she wasn't going to be there so I mozied on in at like 10 till. That's when I found out Josh and John would be doing P&W and I promptly got recruited to sing with John. Oh the experiences we have! Anyway, finished singing and headed over to Amy and Wade's for the college/career group that I sorta made myself a part of.

Josh talked tonight. He basically talked about how we, as Christians, get way too caught up in RULES. We tend to see ourselves as 'good' or 'bad' dependent on what rules we are, or are not following. How does this make us different from the Pharasees and Saducees in Jesus time? They were Rule Followers, not God Followers. He challenged us to make sure we followed the most important commandment: Love the Lord your God with all you heart, soul, mind and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself.

Stop trying to make sure you follow all the rules and follow God! Which, again, ties in (for me) to what I listened to last week. I listened to a teaching CD that Rachel Koontz made at some point. She talked about how God revealed to her that we only have one responsibility in this life and that's to BELIEVE. If the Bible says it, BELIEVE it. Well....the Bible says that if we seek Him, we'll find him -- so seek Him. In doing so we'll learn to love Him, our neighbor, and ourselves. We'll stop trying to follow rules and follow Him. So, as I continue in this week I plan to seek Him, love Him, and follow Him!

That's all -- hope it makes sense for you like it did me....
Night all!

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