Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How I got to Waco....

This is an old 'note' from Facebook that I wrote just after I accepted the job in tells how I got here....perhaps tomorrow I'll take the time to do a very generic update of life in Waco....

So, after much prayer and consideration, I accepted a job in Waco ISD today.

For those of you who don't know the story, it goes like this: Granbury has an HUGE financial in the millions...and will be making budget cuts. In the deaf ed world, your program is based on numbers - and ours dropped. (Doing the math yet?!) That equals a budget cut of personel, which to make legal, is called a RIF - Reduction in Force. In normal everyday terms this is, You're fired with no real reason except that we don't want to pay you anymore. Sadly, it's completely legal and in every contract. Why me? Well, because there are only 3 of us to pick from: one has been there forever and the other has three certifications to my one. So, I'm the lucky one that's being effectively let go. The problem with the RIF is that it is a legal process and it takes a while, so they couldn't tell me exactly when I would no longer truly have a position -- it could be tomorrow, or it could go on until December (DECEMBER PEOPLE!). So, I of course started looking for something else.

Back in June I applied to 2 consortiums plus at least 5 other districts and I had one interview in one district, and had one phone call from another, but neither of them panned out. I went to Ireland and thought, my phone can ring here too! But it didn't. I even applied for a job in Ireland and THAT didn't pan out. I came back, updated stuff and started looking outside the teaching profession and still came up with nothing. Somewhere in there I decided that I didn't care if I was teaching or not as long as I was doing what God wanted me to do, so I started praying God would put me on the path He wanted me on and that He would open the doors He wanted open and close those He didn't.

Last Monday Waco ISD's deaf ed program called and wanted to interview me. I drove down Tuesday for a 20 minutes interview at the end of which they told me they weren't even sure if they needed someone. 5 minutes later they called me back and asked me to get all my paperwork finished up, HR was telling them they would need someone. SO I got all my stuff in and continued to pray God would close the doors He didn't want me walking thru. Friday morning they offered the job, but before I could call back Granbury ISD SpEd called and requested a meeting with me.


The meeting with GISD was basically, we are still doing the RIF and you are still our choice so find a new job if you can. Awesome - door closed, door open. Easy decision, right?! Well, anyone who knows me knows it was anything but easy for me! I prayed all weekend that if this wasn't where He wanted me that He would close the door. We get to today and guess what - it's still open so I took the job - and I'm totally ok with it!

Tomorrow mom and I are going to look for me a place to live, but I won't be able to move till the beginning of Sept b/c of the 30 day notice I need to give my current landlord. I'm really excited about the various opportunities for personal growth, as well as the opportunity to touch a whole new set of lives. I'll tell ya what, though - God is GOOD and FAITHFUL! I know this is giong to be an amazing time for me! It'll be fun and exciting for sure - but feel free to pray for me! At the interview I was told I would get the upcoming 5 year olds, of which there are a few strong-willed kiddos! YIKES! You know you always hear that God doesn't called the equipped, but equips the called?! I'm sure banking on that! :)

So, I have a meeting there next Monday, meetings the week of the 10th and the 17th and school starts the 25th. Sometimes towards the end of August/beginning of Sept I will probably have a 'Leanne's Moving' party in both Granbury and Waco for anyone who feels led to help pack/load and unload/unpack. Additionally, if you are in Waco and would like to help out by allowing me to stay at your house during one of the upcoming weeks, call or message or something! That's better than the possible one hour commute! So -- all that to say -- PRAISE GOD I have a job! Thanks to all who prayed with me and for me through all this. Please continue to pray that God will continue to show me HIS way and that I WILL walk in it!

..............soooooooooooooo..............that's how I got here....stay tuned (hopefully I'll be motivated in the next day or so....) for an update of 'Life in Waco' and other stuff.....


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