Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dude....where's my car?!

That was surely the question of the day yesterday! So here's how it went down:
I came home from work around 4:30 on Monday afternoon and parked my messy, but well loved Ford Fusion in a parking space near my apartment. I closed the sunroof, got out, locked it and headed up to the apartment. I camped out in the apartment ALL evening and ALL night. Got up Tuesday morning and got ready for work in my carefully planned outfit (I had a new shirt) and headed out the door. As I got close to the parking lot, I hit the unlock button on my keyless entry and looked for the headlights (just like every morning). Funny thing - I didn't see the headlights. So I kinda looked around and hit the unlock again. Still nothing. I thought, "Sheesh, where'd I put my car?!" Then I hit the lock button twice (because it honks at me if I do that) and...nothing. Now, I started to worry a tad. I kinda paced the sidewalk looking and realized I REALLY didnt see my car. So I went to the little red alarm know, the one you tell kids not to play with. I hit it. Nothing. I hit it again...and again, and again and again (you get the idea) as I walked around the corner. Nada. Now I was totally freaking out. I hit it one more time for good measure as I walked up to a space and looked at it and thought...this is where I parked. Where's my car. Then it hit me. My car was gone. Stolen gone. Not like, some stupid teenagers thought it'd be funny to move to a new spot to annoy the like, some stupid teenagers thought it'd be funny to hot wire and drive my car away!

So I called mom in tears who, with a rather level head, told me to call the police. So I did. that was a gem! Went something like this:
them = "Waco 911, what's your emergency?"
me = "I need to report that my cars been stolen'
them = "let me transfer you upstairs"
upstairs = "hello?"
me = "I'm calling to report that my cars been stolen"
upstairs = "what happened"
me = "my car was stolen...."
upstairs = "I understand...what happened?!"
me = "I don't know! Someone took my car. I parked it here last night and it's not here now!"
upstairs = "do you have the license plate number?"
me = "no, i don't know it - it's attached to the car."
upstairs = "the VIN number?"
me = "funny story, it's attached to the car too"
upstairs = "do you have your insurance card"
me = "um...nope, it was IN the car...but hang on I can find it online"
---find VIN---
upstairs = "please hold, we have to make sure it was towed"
(WHAT?! - I LIVE here...why would they tow my car!?"
upstairs = "well, i can't find where it was towed....could it have been reposessed?"
me = "no, I make my payments on time" (of course I checked just to be sure -- it's current)
upstairs = "well, where do you live?"
me = "{gives address}"
upstairs = "was there any glass?"
me = "no"
upstairs = "was it locked?"
me = "yes, I ALWAYS lock my car"
upstairs = "are you sure?"
me = "well, honestly, now that you ask, no - I have no idea what was going thru my mind yesterday at 4:30 - but i do know that I get out of my car and lock it almost immediately every day when I get home from work. I can only imagine I did it yesterday too!"
upstairs = "well, what kind of car was it"
me = "{explains cars appearance}"
upstairs = "i'll get this out and have them start looking. {gives me case number and ends conversation}"

Yeah - Waco police impress me.....NOT. (Sorry if you are one!)

So, later I get to thinking - my car is a MESS! I practically live out of it -- who'd want that?! I had a jacket and a couple of dresses in the backseat. I had the CDs in the player (which I might add were Mary Poppins, a few praise and worship CDs, part of the New Testament on CD, and a Breathe of Heaven audition trax. In the truck, which they couldn't see, was ALL, and by all I do mean ALL, of my scrapbooking stuff, including 3 albums (2 HS and one College) and a load of pictures. Sigh..really - what makes my car so intriguing!? OH! And on top - my Eeyore antanea ball from Disney World. Seriously people!?

So for now I'm in a waiting game...praying they find my car and my stuff. Sigh - Waco loves me...

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