Monday, October 26, 2009

Dude -- there's my car!

I am forever destined to be the 'back-blogger'! I am ALWAYS blogging what's happened days (or weeks or months) ago! Sigh...

So, after I posted about the tragedy of my car's disappearance Thursday morning I got a call from a lady in Waco PD's theft recovery. She was a real joy, let me tell ya...She told me she'd found my car, which was greatly exciting to me! To make a long story short, I had it towed to the local dealership so that the body shop could look it over. I went out there to see it and found some of the criminals belongings in my car. I'm not gonna lie - I was repulsed and ticked off! I found out they took my leather jacket, my toll tag, a pillow (but left the case), and my scrapbooking materials, plus pics and an album. They also left the windows down, which anyone who lives in TX right now knows this was a bad idea! There's some water damage on the passenger side. There is also a cigarette hole burned in the driver's seat.

Crime Scene Unit came out and collected the criminals belongings and insurance came and did their thing, although I wasn't real impressed with the insurance guy at all! Unless the body shop finds other major damage, insurance will be replacing the seats and carpet, but that's it. (I'm still hoping and praying they'll total it...)

I'm still in a rental b/c the body shop has to do their thing before I'll drive it. In the meantime, I compulsively check to make sure my rental car is still in the parking lot, try not to leave ANYTHING in the car when I park it, especially for overnight, and am working on forgiving the individual responsible.

OH! They did arrest a man. He was wanted for something else (I googled him and he was on Waco's most wanted and he was also wanted in Belton). Anyway, they arrested him when they found the car, but not for my car, for the other charges (whatever they were). He should have been arrested for my car by now as I turned in the desire to prosecute on Saturday.

So, that's that. Perhaps in a few days I'll update something that happens tomorrow....Night y'all!

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