Sunday, January 24, 2010

Alan Arrives!

I am pleased to announce that Alan is here!!! He landed safely at about 11 pm and we got to Mom and Dad's about 11:45. Mom and Dad were happy to meet him, but then they went to bed while Alan and I stayed up talking till about 1:30...sadly, I was the one who was seriously tired today, not Alan!

Thomas stayed at Gram and Papa's with us last night and was SOOO excited waking up to find Alan here. He got out of bed and his first words to Alan were, "Wanna go play with the trains?!" Next thing I know they're playing in the playroom on the floor!

At one point I went over and stood by Alan. Thomas just stopped and stared at me. In reality, 'stared' doesn't really explain the look. The look truly said, "What're you doin?!" So I said, "Thomas, who did Alan come to see, you or me?" Without missing a beat Thomas replied, "ME!" And back to trains they went!

Alan and I went to 2 church services this morning. We went to the 9:15 at Prestonwood with Allison and the 11:00 at Parkway Hills with Mom and Dad. Then we went to lunch at Christina's for some good ole Tex-Mex. We all had a really nice time. Here's a pic of Alan and Thomas:

After lunch Thomas invited us to check out Allison's new apartment so we went over there for a bit and then back to Mom and Dad's. Since people have been asking for pics of me and Alan -- here ya go! :)
After taking the pic above, I decided we should catch a picture of the train track that Thomas and Alan built this morning...
Since then, I have had a nice nap, while Alan dozed through the football game. Alan has now helped Mom and Dad get some stuff out of their (scary) garage and in a minute we will head to Grandmother's. After a short visit with Grandmother we will head back to Waco so that I can go to work tomorrow.
Check back again soon to catch pictures of all that we get to do while Alan's here. :)

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