Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lost, lost, lost.......

So Alan's adventures continue...

On Sunday night we went over to Grandmother's for ice cream and coffee. I'm sad to say I'm a 'bad blogger' as I have NO pictures! Then we came back to Waco and I went to Julie's to catch some sleep and Alan stayed at my apartment.

Monday Alan came to school with me for the day. It was a wonderfully easy day for me with 2 of my 6 kids absent. (He still thinks I'm a nice teacher!!!!) After school we went by one of my students' houses and then by Morrison's before heading to Cleburne for my rehearsal. Now, earlier in the day Alan had run down the road to Schlotzsky's for lunch and made it there and back with no trouble, so he decided he'd like to go on into Burleson to see Jenn and John whilst I rehearsed. I gave him my phone with the navigator and off he went. Seems the Navigator on my phone is missing a new road and he wound up a little lost. Luckily Jenn called and guided him there.

They got to visit a while before he had to come back and get me. Due to the problem with my Navigator on my phone, Jenn and John let Alan borrow their Garmin to get back. He made it back to the theater with no problems and then we headed to Waco. On the way back Alan decided I was allllll together toooooo tired to drive him to the apartment and then back to Julie's, and since he had the Garmin, he'd just drop me at Julie's and use the Garmin to get to the apartment. We wound up talking until about 1am and then he left. I went into Julie's and went to bed thinking nothing of Alan driving to the apartment...after all, he had the Garmin. Well, at about 2:30 am I got a call from Alan. He was Waco. My first question: where are you. Now, I've been lost before and my dad's asked me that and my answer was always, "I don't know"....I know realize why this answer frustrates my father! Alan replies, "I don't know!" and I think - well how can I help you?! (Keep in mind - it's 2:30 am and I've been asleep for at least an hour!) Anyway, finally I figure out where he is-ish and guide him back to the a night!

Somehow, I didn't think about the fact that he still had to get BACK to Julie's....that was an adventure too! Turns out, the Garmin missed the part where we came to finally, later Tuesday morning we got it working and it has been guiding us place to place ever since. We do, however, have to give it back on Sunday and I have a sneaking suspicion I'll be getting a Garmin for 'Valentine's Day'.

And that folks...was Monday....

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