Sunday, January 17, 2010

this week

So, this week my dad fell at work. I got a text at work that said, "So, did you hear about Dad?" come to find out, he'd fallen from a ladder at work. He was 6 feet up working on installing some stuff in the ceiling at his new office and the ladder slipped out from under him. About halfway down he hit an OLD security monitor (which is like a TV screen) and broke his bottom 5 ribs and bruised his lung. He spent 5 days in the hospital. I went up on Thursday and sat with him. That was, however, his worst day in terms of pain. After Thursday he quickly improved and today he came home. His biggest concern was whether or not they would get him discharged in time for the big game. He made it home and yelled at the Cow'girls' throughout the game. I am so glad he's home and doing alright!

The power of prayer folks...the power of prayer! :)

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