Monday, February 1, 2010

The weekend....

Saturday morning started nice and early. I had rehearsal at 9 in Cleburne so I dopped Alan off at the Starbucks on Baylor campus and headed out. My friend Tammy picked him up and took him to the Saturday morning session of World Mandate. Alan says it was wonderful, but I was, of course, at rehearsal!

After rehearsal I came back into Waco and met up with Alan at the breakout sessions. (He went to Uncle Dan's for lunch with a guy we met at World Mandate that's been to Ireland on several missions trips...thanks to Mike for taking the lunch shift!) We came back to the house where I napped for about an hour and then back to the evening session, which was amazing! Then, we crashed at our respective places.

Sunday morning we went to Lifegate Church in Burleson. This is the church I went to Ireland with last March and will be returning with in a few weeks. It was a great service. After church we went to lunch with Jennifer and her kids, James, his girlfriend, and his daughter, and Pastor Chad, Amber, and their kids. James kept us laughing with stories of things that happend in Ireland last year.

After lunch we spent a lazy afternoon with Jenn and John. We mostly just sat around and talked...and then Jenn made me chicken and dumplings!!! John made us peppermint mochas, and home we came. Here are some pics (haha, I rememebered again!) from the afternoon.

Taken by Koby, Jennifer's 4 year old son!

Jennifer and Flash the dog...also snapped by Koby

Alan, Koby, and Hannah jumping off the fireplace hearth and onto the rug.
Here's a video of the three of them's really was my first video attempt on the new camera...cut a girl some slack!!! :)

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