Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

So, basically, I've worked and rehearsed this week.....

Alan went to the Texas Sports Hall of Fame on Monday. Just so you know (Amy) I gave him the camera, but he says there weren't really any picture opportunities....In fact, he says he was the only person there other than the workers. He also says, though, that it was interesting.
While I was at rehearsal he went into Cleburne and read at Starbucks.

Tuesday during school Alan had the most fun he's had yet. He did laundry with an American washer and dryer. After school we went to Starbucks for coffee with Anne Broaddus. We had a really great time just chatting. Sadly, we didn't take any pictures (I'm sure you are shocked by now!). Alan stayed at rehearsal most of the night with me...I think he gets a kick out of watching me on 'stage'.

Today we went to Chipotle for lunch. Sooo yummy! I would love to say he checked out something majorly interesting, like the Rangers Hall of Fame, or the business school at Baylor, but instead he sat guess it....Starbucks and read! Once again, I'm sad to report there are no pictures of this incident. We really must work on our picture taking skills!

Tonight Alan is coming into rehearsal with me and then he is to be picked up by our friends James and taken to cleburne for the next couple of days. He's going to help out with the Ireland garage Sale at Lifegate. he will be staying with James, who plans to feed him Lucky Charms for breakfast...

I am working tomorrow and going to my missions class and then working Friday morning, but taking off Friday afternoon and going up to Burleson to meet up with Alan. We are planning to have a date night Friday night. We will, for sure...I promise...take pictures of that! :)


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