Sunday, April 11, 2010

What a week!

This week was quite eventful! On Tuesday night I was up an hour in the night with IBS in a way I haven't been in YEARS! I went to school on Wednesday, but my 'Get-up-and-go' had definitely got up and gone without me! That is until we came in from recess...

That's when I found out one of my students was VERY sick! I ended up at the ER with him and his mom, moved to Scott and White in Temple with them, and stayed till about 1 in the morning! He was found to have fluid on his brain and his sodium levels were very high. They decided to do surgery to put in a shunt to help drain the fluid. The surgery would be early the next morning and mom asked me to come. So, I went home, slept till 6 or 6:30 and went right back down. I spent the whole day with them. (My students surgery went VERY well and the shunt was actually not needed! They let me go with him down to the OR to interpret until he went to sleep. It seems to have really helped!) I finally left about 10:45 Thursday night after a rough period.

Friday I taught, worked at Morrison's and then went to see my student. He had been moved out of PICU and onto the floor. He had another CT scan, but I went on to Austin to get ready for the Round Rock job fair.

In case you didn't know this about me, I HATE job fairs! They are crazy, somewhat organized free for all's that annoy me....but I went. I dropped of my resume with 15 campuses and talked with the AI coordinator for the district. She said they'd be scheduling interviews at the end of April, early May so to expect to hear from them then if I was one they chose to interview.

After that big excitement (sarcasm is TOTALLY dripping) I stopped back by the hospital. My student's sodium was still high so, while the neurosurgeon had dismissed him, the pediatric docs were keeping him. They are still working to bring it down. Came home, talked to my sweet boyfreind for a bit and then went to dinner with a friend from HS. We went to was good! Then home and to bed.

This morning I went to church, came home, ate, and took a nap! Then I went to see my student. We got him up and he walked around a bit and played with me and ate and even talked to me! This made my heart happy! As I left he hollered, "I love you!" at me! I love my job!

Now I'm going to work on Perspectives. I'm 2 weeks behind...sigh. Time to get caught up! :)

And...there you have it...

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