Monday, April 5, 2010

A day with my nephew...

So, today was probably one of thebest days I've had in a while, but was also sad. Early this morning out family cat, Smokey, had to be put to sleep. She was 17 years old and her poor body was shutting down on her due to hyperthyroidism. But after that rough start, the day soared!

Since I was out of school today, Allison brought Thomas over and we played. Then we went to Gram's school to sharpen some pencils the Easter bunny brought him. It was fun to get to see Gram, meet Gram's class and get those pencils sharpened. As always, I'm in blogger failure with a lack of pictures...

After we left Gram's school we went to the park. Thomas got quite frustrated with me for being in a dress, but I had intended to drop off a resume at Gram's school and felt I should look, no sliding for me...but we had a good time. After playing for a good hour we went to California Pizza Kitchen for lunch. We had yummy cheese and chicken pizza and talked. He cracked me up b/c he sat like a big boy and talked to me like a big boy. Sometimes it's hard to believe he's only 4! We played several games of Tic-Tac-Toe and had a good ole time!

After lunch, of course, comes nap time. Both Thomas and I napped for a good 2 hours. Then we headed to Kohl's to go birthday shopping. Now, I am fully aware his birthday was in February and it is now April, but in February I was in Thoroughly Modern Millie and couldn't come to the party. Then I went to Ireland...and this is actually the first time I've seen him since his birthday...sad, I know. SO we went to Kohl's and he got some new PJ's and some outside toys for digging, etc.

Then, because he was sooo good (and b/c Gram and I were CRAVING it) we went to Starbucks! After Starbucks we went back to Gram's and got T ready for his first baseball practice! Then I got to watch the first half of that. How cute!!

Finally I had to go home and get ready for work...What a great day!

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