Saturday, June 12, 2010

Coming up...

Seems I'm in a blogging mood these I suppose I'll run with it! Thought I'd give you some updates!

Today - Cleaning. The end of the school year and an upcoming move demands it!
Tomorrow - Church in the morning. Then I am headed up to the metroplex to go see Wicked with a WONDERFUL friend! We've seen several shows together and I am excited to share this experience with her! (I even have a new dress to wear!)
Monday - eye dr at 10:30
Tuesday and Wednesday - probably heading up to the metroplex again to see my wonderful nephew and family.
Thursday - Dentist appt at 8:40, work 11-6
Friday - work 11-6, lundry
Saturday - pack for a month in Ireland
Sunday - leave for Ireland!!!!

In Ireland my schedule will be something like this:
June 12-July 4 - prep for camp (learn dances, drama team practice, etc)
July10 - rest!
July 11-16 - Play time! Plan to visit Carlow (Alan's family), and whatever else suits!

I am hoping that when I come home on the 16th that Alan will be with me and will get to stay for week b/c Amy and Paul will be in with the boys. That takes us through the end of July! WOW! There ya have it!

(Somehow I don't think you should expect to hear too much from me for a while! ;p)

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