Thursday, June 17, 2010

A trip to the dentist

To most, a trip to the dentist would be nothing more than a simple cleaning, and then going on your merry way. For me, it is TORTURE!

It seems when I was a child I had a rather traumatic time with the dentist as a 4-5 year old. I've always heard mom talk about how when she picked me up from school she couldn't tell me we were going to the dentist or by the time we got there I'd be running fever and shaking from fear. I am happy to report that I can recall a successful trip to the dentist in college, however, I'm sad to say that's the last time I went! Seems having a fear of dentists will keep you out of their office for some time!

Well, with all that's happened with Waco and being unsure of a job for a while, I made both eye dr and dentist appts for this week. Eye dr was sooo easy! Today was the dental appt. I woke up thinking, "It's's just the dentist!" I even got there and was ok. As I sat down I got pretty nervous, but was ok. Then they took me back and started talking x-rays. That's when I reverted to deep, controlled breathing (something I'd learned from my orthodontist in high school). Then they brought out the films on the stick that they wanted to put in my mouth. PANIC TIME! I am happy to report that they did eventually get the x-rays they needed...but it wasn't easy!

Then they cleaned my teeth, and after the x-ray fiasco, that was pretty easy. Unfortunately, they also found 3 little cavities and so I have to go back tomorrow to have them filled. For the sake of money, I've opted for only the laughing gas...we'll see how this goes!

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