We went to Sullivan's Steakhouse. When we got there this bouquet of roses was waiting for me!

I would love to tell you what we ate, but I can't remember! I know we talked a little bit about the wedding, but mostly talked of getting married and living out our lives honoring God.
We finished our dinner and got a complimentary dessert. Then they took a picture of us and put it in a frame from Sullivan's with all of their signatures on it. Then we went home, took the following pics...and I put on sweats! :)
Danielle let me borrow her dress, Amy let me borrow the sweater.

I love this man!

The happy, but tired, couple.

The next day my Amy and her family loaded up and headed back to Georgia. Mom, Dad, Allison, Alan, and myself loaded up and headed to New Braunfels to see Grandma, Sharon, and Craig. We went to dinner at a cajun restaurant called McAdoo's. We ate BBQ the next morning and then headed home.
Christmas Eve we went to a Candle-light Service at Prestonwood Baptist. It was so fun to sit and have light bouncing off the diamonds! Pastor Graham preached a good word and then they turned out the lights in the auditorium. Now, Prestonwood is HUGE so when they turned the lights out it had the potential to be really dark...but as we sang Silent Night, candles were lit one by one. This was Alan's first experience with a service where we actually lit candles. It was stunning! I wish there were pictures to show you! Silent Night is one of my favorite Christmas songs, but I was so overwhelmed with the beauty and the symbolism that I almost couldn't sing!
When we got home, we took a few more pics...
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