Friday, February 18, 2011

Kitty woes...

Here lately my Gracie has been acting strange. I will probably tell you more than you wanted to know so if you don't care, now would be a good time to go read someone else's blog.

In October she started this thing where she will throw-up a hairball (gross right?!) and then continue throwing up until there was nothing but bile. It has been so sad watching her do this once every other week-ish since then. I tended to just say, "Oh, she must've gotten into the dog's food" or "guess something didn't agree with her."

She also seems to have been eating less, drinking more, and her little kitty poop could clear the room. Seriously folks, she has made my eyes water on more than one occassion. I have also had to get up in the middle of the night and spray air freshner in the bathroom because the smell was permeating my house!

Finally, I decided I should take her into the vet. I've been talking about doing so since December, so I decided on Wednesday (after another round of throwing up) that it was time. I took her in at about 12:30 on Thursday and went to check on her after school. Much to my frustration, they'd done nothing. Seems she wasn't feeling too bad - she went after the vet's hand!

They kept her overnight and tried again on Friday. She snapped at the vet (a different one) again so they had to sedate her. While she was sedated they gave her fluids, ran a bazillion tests (blood panel testing for kidney failure, and a host of other things), urinalysis, viral tests (feline lukemia and aids), an intestinal parasite test, heartworms test, and probably something else I'm missing! Each test run came back completely normal! I was so thrilled to hear this! They think that my cat has IBD (irrital bowel disease). I laughed a little at this as I have IBS (which is the same thing). They gave her a steroid shot (which I never got - in fact these tend to UPSET my stomach, but is intended to help hers!) while she was under. She came home with amoxicillan drops to make sure there's no H-pilori (the bacteria that causes IBS/IBD) and new food. My is now eating a perscription food that is meant to help with allergies, intestinal issues, etc. On this medicine they tell me she will a) eat more, b) drink less, c) poop less smelly. I'm especially excited abouyt (c).

She is also to get some 'cat-lax' twice a week. This is hairball gel stuff that helps break down the hairballs so there's less throwing up. I like this too.

All in all, my kitty is just fine! I am so relieved! Here are 2 pictures of my healthy baby:

"...Moooooooom, why are you always taking my photo? You know I don't like it!" (she's a bit camera shy)

"What're you looking at?! I will now blind you with my laser eyes...." (and when she does look, the flash hits her eyes funny...)

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