Monday, October 17, 2011 pics

Here are some pictures from the wedding...I should get the DVD of pictures from the photographer tomorrow and then I'll have LOADS more to put up! :)

Thursday night dinner at Spring Creek with the Irish (and Jenn)

Dad took the guys to shoot at his favorite shooting range....

We girls got our nails done (this was at the salon though you can't actually tell we've just had our toenails painted...)

Then the boys checked out Ham and Eggs in Lewisville -- check out the pancakes!

We had a wonderful rehearsal:

And the wedding was beyond exceptional!
All the kids made it down the aisle without a hitch... 

And so did Dad and I!

David teased us about having triplets, which made loads of people laugh.

We said vows...

Gave each other rings...

Lite the Unity Candle I bought in Irleand 10 years ago...

 And kissed!!!!!

 Then we headed for the reception!

We danced and danced and danced (even though there were only 3 dances it took FOREVER!!!)  (We also had cake and tossed a bouquet/garter.  We chatted with friends and had a ball!)

During all of these festivities Alan's family and friends gathered at his Dad's house in Carlow, Ireland to watch the happenings on Skype!  I love that they took a picture! :)

Truly - it was the best day of my life! :)

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