Saturday, January 14, 2012

Welcome 2012

It's official:
it's 2012.
I've been married almost 4 months.
I'm a blogging failure!

I'm going to try to remedy that in 2012 - but let's be honest.
You aren't holding your breath (are you?!)

Let's run a quick cap:
September 17, 2011 - Alan and I get married!  It was quite honestly the most wonderful day!  Stress free for the most part, loads of fun, and I became Mrs. Duigan - perfection.

September 17, 2011 - Grandma (dad's mom) passed away from complications with her Alzheimers.  While it was expected, it was still sad.

September 23, 2011
AM: Grandmother fell (2 days after her 94th birthday - don't tell her I told you!) and broke her hip. Mom and Allison stay at the hospital with her all day.
PM: Visitation for Grandma's funeral.  Amy, Paul, Alan, myself, Dad, Aunt Sharon, Uncle Craig and other family members attend.

September 24, 2011 - Grandma's funeral.  Grandmother gets up and walks - Amazing.

October 17, 2011 - Alan and I celebrate one month married!

October 31, 2011 - Alan and I move out of our 1 bedroom apartment and into...a trailer...just until the house is finished.

November 15, 2011 - Alan and I spend our first night in our newly rented house!

November 24, 2011 - Thanksgiving! Allison is sick so Grandmother stays at her new apartment.  She was discharged from rehab just 6 weeks after breaking her hip!  However, Buckner was shut down so she moved to the Atria in Carrollton.  She's so close now...but no germs for her!

December 3, 2011 - First party at our house!  We had the Annual Indian (Irish) Thanksgiving at our house.  We had SO much fun!

December 17, 2011 - 3 months together!!!!

December 24, 2011 - Christmas Eve.  Grandmother's first outing to church since her stroke in April.  Alan's and my first Christmas together!

December 25, 2011 - Christmas!!!!

December 31, 2011 - Christmas with Amy and her family.  Christmas dinner.  New Year's Eve Party with little boys. 

January 1, 2011 - New Year's Day!  No better way to start a year than church!

Jan 14, 2011 - Today.  A lazy Saturday with my husband.  This week will see us together for 4 months.  I love this man!  I decided today to try to blog more.  We'll see!

Let's face it - we all know people prefer blogs with, I give you - pictures!

Family pic from the wedding

Christmas shoot by our fantastic friend Kristina Glass

My personal fave!

Bridal Portrait (my fave!)

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