Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend (and leading up to it)

Catchy title, right?!

So, I have been looking forward to this weekend for a LOOONG time. Since things got REALLY stressful at school it's been, "Just make it to Memorial Day Weekend! It's a 3 day weekend and I'll get to relax!" So it finally got here and I did relax a little...but not nearly as much as I would have liked!

But first, let's back track a bit....so I auditioned for Singing in the Rain and was cast in the chorus. Due to a series of events I decided not to do the show - but am excited to go see it. I have kept up the tap lessons, though - I mean, Plaza is doing Millie next year!!!

I auditioned for Kiss Me Kate a little over a week ago and got called back. Waiting on the casting now. Also auditioned for Oliver. Did really well until the end and blew it. Wasn't paying attention and sang the wrong words and then got flustered and couldn't get it together. Oh well! This coming Sunday I am auditioning for HMS Pinafore with my new friend Emily Bennet. Now...there's a story in and of itself...but I better get to the part that leads up to that part!

2 weeks ago I text Philip b/c I needed him to be 'human gps system' and he informed me he was in the hospital. Seems he'd gone in with some kind of internal bleeding....so I went to see him and found out he'd gone in and they'd found his blood level to be WAY low. SO they gave him 2 bags of blood and it went up a little (like 2 points). It was at a 6ish when he went in and it went up to an 8ish. So they gave him 2 more and nothing changed. On Thursday afternoon he got to go home. They told him they thuoght he was anemic and they'd let him know. 12 hours later he was back with all the same symptoms. They admitted him, gave him more blood and eventually decided to do an upper gi and a colonoscopy Sunday morning. So Sunday morning they take him in and find that he has an artery in his stomach that is bleeding out b/c the ulcer's been rubbing against it. They try to stop the bleeding and can't so he goes into surgery.

So, 2 Sunday's ago I sat at the hospital for a LOONG time while they looked for the bleeeder, stopped it, cut out the ulcer and put him back together. When they told us he was out of surgery and ok I left b/c I had 2 other places to go that evening. So, I left the hospital with promises to go see him the next day. (we'll come back to Philip in a bit...)

I left and headed to a graduation party for someone I'd never met...however her parents and grandparents are long time family friends. I was really going to see the Lawson's and Vicki, but got there and made a new friend. I get there, they all know I've been at the hospital all day, ask about Philip and I tell them the story (reader's digest version) and then they decide I should meet the lucky graduate. As Emily comes over, Mom informs me that she thinks we're long lost sisters and I kinda go, "Uh-huh" in a 'whatever mom' way. Then we meet.....and, as they say....the rest is history. Oddly enough, we may be long lost sisters....or something like that. She is looking to move to NYC (free lodging on my next trip!) and she loves shows and she loves travel and we totally understand each other. So, anyway....I tell her I'm auditioning for HMS Pinafore...she should come. And she's gonna! :) YEAH! Additionally, there's a small chance David will be involved with it too. This could be lots of fun ---- if I get in! :)

Finally, I headed over to Kiss Me Kate auditions where I sang really well, but didn't think I read well....appearantly I read well enough to get called back. Those were Sunday and we'll see how that goes.....

So now to this weekend (I really should update more so that they aren't so stinking long....)
Friday and Saturday I spent ALL my time at Burleson High School helping Frances Lea with her dance recitals. She's the lucky lady who has been teaching me to tap. I told her a few weeks back I would help.....but man was I clueless of what was to come!

I had to be there for 2 1/2 hours Friday night for the 'kids recital' dress rehearsal, sat morning for the adult dress rehearsal, sat afternoon for the kids recital and sat evening for the adult recital. Man was I pooped! Luckily Jenn lived close enough to feed me inbetween stuff on Sat. So finally that was over and I went to bed. Sunday I had church in the morning (of course!) and it was AMAZING. Then I went ot lunch with the lunch group and then went to Philip's to hang out. (He was let out of the hospital on Saturday.) Then I went to Kiss Me Kate callbacks. I think i did well, but I also think I was maybe out-sung. I will know for sure later this week. Then I went to Greg and Laura's anniversary party. David and I stayed until about 1 and went back to his house where I CRASHED. Monday I slept until, like, 10:30! It was sooooo awesome! :) Then I helped clean the pool, got lunch, layed by the pool, got in the pool (it was cold so I got back out!), went out to Burger's Lake with the church (got in the lake, but it was cold too so got back out), went back to David's and went to see Star Trek. It was a super movie!

Today I had to work, of course, but there are now only 4 1/2 days with students! We do have a work day next Wednesday, but then it's SUMMER! I am planning to lay by David's pool ALOT. I also would like to go see Amy and her family, but we'll see about that. I may be helping Frances teach some classes this summer, as well as taking tap and ballet and maybe jazz.....we'll see. I may also help out with some stuff up at the church. Michelle (the youth pastor's wife) is due soon....as is David's sister.....so I may get to play with some babies! We'll see.

Alright people....there ya go - updated. No pictures or anything (well, there are - but go to my facebook or myspace and look at the headshot pics...I don't want to take the time to upload them! :))

Hope y'all all have a fantastic night! :)

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