Thursday, August 27, 2009

So...Ireland - for real

Soooooo, it's been way to long and I now am for real going to tell you about a Reader's Digest Condensed Book version:

So, I went to rehearsal on Thursday, June 25 and then we went out to eat. I got to Mom and Dad's around 12, took care of some stuff on the computer (itinerary, etc) and then slept for about an hour or so on the couch. Then I got up and got ready and Allison (what a wonderful sister) took me to the airport. I caught my 6am (yes, that's early!), landed in Chicago and got to the next flight without a problem. Got on my flight to London and slept very little. I mostly read. Landed in London at 11pm (London time) and had to go through customs. (Side Story: they wanted my address in England...I told them the airport b/c I was only in London overnight! They took it!) Finally got to the terminal I was to fly out of and found a place to rest around 12. I rested some, but not a lot. Airport sleeping is hard! Finally around 4 I got up and cleaned up and waited in line to check in for my flight to Shannon. Got checked in and got on the flight and got to Shannon all on time! I did, however, sleep the ENTIRE way to Shannon! Joann met me, and 2 of her friends that were on my flight and took us back into Galway. She dropped me at Winterton (Sara, Reagan, Rachel, and Sinead's house). Reagan and Sara were getting ready to head in for the church so I went with them. I hung out with the drama team for a bit, then took a nap in the creche (nursery) with Zoe baby and then hung out some more. Finally at around 10 I begged Alan to take me back to Winterton for some SLEEP. I slept well and then got up for church. The drama team had another rehearsal so I got to spend the afternoon with Yasmin. We chatted most of the time, had some amazing tea and turkish delight, and then watched a movie. Towards the end of the movie EVERYONE (well, lotsa people) come over and we all had tea together. It was loads of fun!

That, however, ends the 'easy' part of my trip! On Monday morning Lucia Evans (winner of 2006 Your A Star, amazing dancer and singer, and most of AMAZING friend) met at the church to start learning our dances. She already knew one of the dances (Spinning Around) so we worked on Jesus, Your My Super Hero. Then we did Spinning Around. What a great day! We got it all done! Then I went to work on other stuff in the church for Camp. I worked hard! Tuesday I worked in the church all day. Wednesday, Lucia and I met again and met with the choreographer and learned the other 2 dances. Thursday and Friday we polished in the mornings and I worked on other stuff in the evenings. The drama team practiced every night too, so most nights we were out LATE! Interesting fact about Ireland: it doesn't get completely dark until REALLY LATE, so if your out at 10, it feels like 8 b/c it isn't completely dark!

On Saturday we worked at the church some more and Chip Brim was there to speek. I also moved from Winterton to Christen, Yasmin, and Joann's house for the week of Camp b/c some girls from the north (Ballymeena - sp?) came down! Sunday we had church and what an AWESOME service it was. I learned so much! After service we had the arduous task of turned the church into a camp. We had a little break and then went to work. When everyone chips in to help, it makes it sooo much easier! Around 10, however, my stomach decided to react to dinner (a spicy Italian from Subway) and I went home, took some medicine and went to bed!

Monday morning dawned and we met at the church super early for final notes. Then it was ON! OH IT WAS SO BUSY! We came in every morning and prayed/praised for 30 minutes. Then we had morning notes. After that it was time for games until camp offically started. It opened with a quick morning show and then off to class. Lucia and I had the Sr. Infant's first. We work on Jesus Your My Super Hero. We had one more classes before break. We had a 10 minute break for snack and then back to classes. Two more classes and then time for lunch. After lunch we had Super Church, followed by another class and then the closing show and time to for the kids to go home. (This schedule may be wrong somewhere, but I can't remember exactly!). After the campers left we had a wrap up meeting where we gave out way-to-go's (which earned you a candy bar) and then we had to clean up and get ready for the next day. After all that, the drama team would rehearse for the next day while I did whatever was needed around the church. Seriously - I worked hard!

During the week God taught me so much about me! I have seen the positive effects of working the camp in the last week even! Also while there I had the chance to attend 5 church services and nightly prayer meetings. Man - I learned loads about God and where I stand with Him. Let me tell you - He is MIGHTY and AWESOME and WORTHY and He WANTS us to love, honor, and worship Him. However, it's our choice - what will you choose?! I choose JESUS!

Ok, back to the trip. So, Friday rolls around and we have to set back up for church so we finish camp and start 'strike'. Funny story: towards the end of the 'strike' time, Sarah came through saying Meetin in 5 Minutes. My reply? "Thank you, 5!" She turned and looked at me like, what?! Sigh - theater...what can I say?! Anyway, had meeting...then went to EAT at Johnny Rockets. Great place --- good times!

Then, as everyone else left, Sarah, Darren, Padraig and I stayed and had more ice cream and loads of laughs. Seems the boys are the kings of puns. We laughed sooo hard! Then we went back to Christen, Yasmin, and Joann's and sat around chatting for a long time. Finally Sarah and I made ourselves a pallet and went to sleep. I got up on Sat and did some laundry and got ready. Then Darren came and drove me out to Pastor's house where I helped Reagan bathe and feed the kids. I got to put them all down for the night and then just hang out. When Pastors Kevin and Heather got home, I had an amazing time to just sit and talk to PH. What a blessing! Then it was Sunday again and we went to church. After church there was a party for Yasmin's mum's birthday so I got to go to that. It was a BEAUTIFUL day and we had a great time. Sunday evening Christen, Yasmin, Sarah, Joann and I hung out again!

Monday and Tuesday I spent the day in the city center. I did ALOT of shopping. Monday night after prayer Reagan, Sarah, Sinead, Aiden, Mark and myself had dinner at Couch Potatoes and then walked along the canal down in the City Center-ish area. We had loads of fun and it made me sad that the next day was to be my last. On Tuesday, Lucia met me and we shopped for an 'Irish' outfit. We never found one and went to lunch at McDonagh's! AHHH, sweet fish and chips! It was heavenly! Reagan, Sinead, and Aiden met up with us. After lunch Lucia had to go teach so off the others shopped with me. I randomly walked into a shop called Monsoon's and found the most amazing GREEN skirt! I scooped it up and proudly showed it off as my 'Irish' skirt. After a while I went back to the church (Aiden drove me as it was raining) where I packed up and met Mary Moylan (sp?) who drove me to the airport.

I got checked in and headed to my gate. I cried about leaving...CRIED PEOPLE!!!!! Got on the plane (cried a little more) and took off to London. As I watched Shannon, Ireland disappear I thought, I WILL BE BACK! Got to London and had booked a room at a B&B. The taxi FINALLY came and took me there. It turned out to be a BAD situation so I went back and spent another night in the airport. I worked on my music for the show I was in, I read, I slept a little, then got up and cleaned up and checked in. Went and got on my flight to Chicago. I slept most of this flight and did little else. Got to Chicago, practiced my music and slept some more and then landed in Dallas. I must admit I was glad to be 'home', but desperately missed my 'new home' and all my friends. Went to mom and dad's, slept a bit, and then went to rehearsal. That's how you know your home and the 'vacation' has go back to "I can't, I have rehearsal!"

So that's it...will post pics and then blog about the happenings SINCE the trip next!

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