Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Insurance, Body Shops, and Toll Tags...oh my!

So, if you've been on my facebook you'll notice my status says that I wonder how long it's gonna be before it all goes back to normal...it stems from my conversations today with those who are 'helping' me with my car.

Started with a call to Bird Kultgen, where my car is currently. Last week when I went to see it I asked them to a) keep me informed, and b) look over every inch of the car and make sure all was ok. So I call today for an update b/c I haven't talked to anyone since Friday and they tell me it's been sent out to have the carpets shampooed. I said, wait a minute? The new carpet needs a shampoo (the insurance adjuster said the claim would include new carpet and seats). The Bird Kultgen guy says, "No, the estimate didn't include new seats or new carpet." Well, throughout the conversation I find out that the estimate was ONLY to pull out the seats to dry them and then put them back in and to pull the 'scuff plates' (these hold the carpet down) out and make sure the carpet dried and then put them back in. Then to shampoo and clean the seats, carpet, etc, and to replace the driver's seat cushion trim. That's it. Keep in mind the adjuster told me they would write the estimate for NEW seats and NEW carpet. The driver's seat has a hole burned into it by a cigarette!!! Grrr. So I was pretty hot about all that and then I ask the guy if they've looked over the things I requested. I mean, I want them to go over it with a fine-toothed comb, but I specifically asked them to check the steering column, the cd player, and the speakers on the passenger side where I could SEE water in them. His reply was no b/c they couldn't fix anything without an insurance estimate. I told him I understand they can't fix it...I don't want them to fix it - I want to know if there's a problem with it! He said, again, that he'd look over it.

So I get off with him and call my insurance agent and the claims lady and then I called my car dealership (where every one of my cars and my parents cars have come from since the place opened) and talked to MY dealer. I asked him to call BK and light a fire under the body shop guys tushie so that he'll actually look over these things. He, of course, said he would.

So then my insurance agent calls. My agent is a friend so he was pretty unhappy with the way the adjuster treated me, but also explained that these guys do this day in and day out and forget to see it from my point of view. So, he advised me to kindly remind the guy to look at it as if it were HIS car. So he straightened me out and helped me know how to better deal with the people when I finally get a hold of them! Then he helped me file a property loss claim. Good news on that is that I can file for EVERY LITTLE THING that was taken. Since that inculdes pictures and an album I can file for every print and every page and every piece of paper that was taken.

Then I called NTTA to cancel the toll tag I had. I learned that because it's a hard case I owe them $25. I calmly and kindly explained that I didn't loose the toll tag, it was TAKEN. I explained that my car was stolen and the toll tag with it. I said the car was recovered, but the toll tag was gone. He checked with his supervisor (kuddos to him for checking) but was informed it's still 'my fault' it's gone and I have to pay for it. I told him that was stupid, and he agreed, but of course had no say. So I payed it and then he said that I didn't have to pay to get a new one. That was good news! That also makes the $25 the replacement cost and I'll be filing that with the stolen property claim!

Sigh...I still tear up when talking about how 'they' were in my car. I really and truly have a hard time thinking that I'm going to climb into the car 'they' took and drive it back to the parking lot from which it was taken. Somehow this doesn't seem smart! I'm just sayin! Anyway - that's that...

Insurance, body shops, and toll tags......oh my!

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