Monday, March 8, 2010

Back on the Island of Saints and Scholars

Hello all! Well, I'm back! I'm on the Island of Saints and Scholars! I am so excited to be back! I left yesterday from Houston at 2:25 and landed this morning in Dublin at 9:25. Alan picked me up in Dublin and we came back into Galway. We first went to the offices where I got to see Christen, Yasmin, Joanne, Breda, and Reagan. Then we met up with up with Lucia. Alan dropped us a Arribca while he took care of some other business.

Here in a bit we're up to the offices for a dance rehearsal for the parade. Tomorrow we will head out to Carlow to visit his family. On Thursday the team from LifeGate comes in and we'll go to the airport to help collect them and their things. Then back to Galway to settle into the houses, etc. They have a full schedule for us, including organizing things, evangelising in the square, and the parade. We also get to go to Kylemore Abbey and the Cliffs again!

Sadly, or not so sadly depending on who you are, I will return home on the 19th. I fly into Houston at 7:30. I will collect my car and head back to Waco. On Saturday I preform in the 3:00 matinee and then I will go home and CRASH!

There's the update!

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