Thursday, April 1, 2010

Things I want to remember from Perspectives...

So, I am taking a class this semester about missions. It is a non-denominational class that challenges your perspective of world missions. Tonight's speaker said somethings that I want to remember, so I thought I'd throw em out here for y'all to chew on too!

*When you don't know what to do -- go deeper! SO many times in life we are stuck at a crossroad and find ourselves saying, "What next God?!" In those moments, instead of panic - seek God! Go deeper with Him - He'll show the way!

*The River: The speaker talked about being on a plane. She looked out the window and saw a river that was winding. (Sorta like pic here, but not exactly...)

She said that as she looked she said, "You know God, if I was making rivers, I'd make em straight." She said that God gave her some insight thanks to that river. You start where the river starts (in about the middle of the screen) and move along. Later in life (maybe 10 years or so) you find yourself almost where you started (see in the middle where it looks like it might meet) and you think you've failed. It isn't failure at all - you're much further along in the journey! Maybe this doesn't really make sense to you, but it spoke volumes to me as I am in Waco (which I left purposefully) and as I find myself in the same situation once again...searching for a job. Some days I feel like a failure...but, praise God, it isn't failure - I'm further along in the journey!
*Don't miss the quiet place of the journey. Tonights speaker talking about when Jesus sent out the disciples and they came back all pumped up b/c they'd been healing people and stuff. Jesus says, "Let's go to a quiet place." The next thing that happens is the feeding of the 5000. Um, that's not quiet. She proposed that perhaps the quiet place was the journey there. She said to imagine the disciples talking about how they're going to a quiet place to rest and then suddenly they get there and they missed the rest! Don't miss out on the quiet place that IS the journey!
*Where your treasure is, there your heart will be. She talked about putting yourself into the will of God and letting Him give you a LOVE for that task. I immediately thought of my time at Granbury High School. I went into it not wanting to be there. I even came home and said, "Dear Lord, I don't like this job. Either make me love it, or get me fired." Sometimes we don't really WANT to do what we've been called to. We have to ASK God to give us a love for that...and He will. He gave me a love for my high school students and the other students in that school that I actually find myself missing high schoolers! Those who know me well should find themselves laughing here, but it's true. My treasure is was my students, my heart soon followed.
*To the untrained eye, overflowing with unseen things looks identical to having nothing. Really thought this quote hit home for most missionaries. It may look like they've got nothing, given it all up, but to overflow with the things of the!
*"Why do what others can and will do when there's so much that needs to be done that others can not and will not do. --Count Zizendorf
Anyway, maybe one or more of these will bless you like they did me. I hope they were somewhat clear....thanks for reading! :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Leanne. Like water, we all too often want to take the path of least resistance. However, it's the winding, carving out and flowing that takes us to the secret, hidden quite places. I love the line in the movie The Ultimate Gift that James Garner's character Red Stevens says, "You don't begin to live until you've lost EVERYTHING."!!! I've been THERE several times and I am finding that the freeing and lightness of losing everything looses my wings so I can fly higher each time. I am praying for you in your job hunt. Poppa is gonna azmaze you! Outrageous blessings on you Leanne!
