Friday, June 18, 2010

Dentist round 2 one told me it was going to make my whole mouth ache!

I went in this morning to have 3 cavitites filled. I was pretty ok with it until my butt hit the chair in the little room. It's probably a good thing they didn't take my blood pressure!

The cute little tech put the laughing gas on me and some topical cream on to numb where he was gonna shoot novacaine into my gums, and then we just sat there. I'm here to tell ya, that gas can make you feel WEIRD! While I was just waiting I would breathe it through my nose like I was supposed to until I felt too weird. Then I'd breathe through my mouth for a few minutes to diminish some of the feelings.

Then the dentist came in! I went to inhaling deeply and quickly so that stuff could have full effect! Funny thing is, my ortho back in high school taught me to alleviate the stress by controlling my breathing through my mouth. So I'd inhale and get all tingly with laughing gas and then they'd put their hands in my mouth which would send me to breathing through my mouth. Anyway, they successfully filled 3 cavities.

The part I'm unhappy with is how badly my mouth hurts right now. I mean I know they did stuff in there, but OUCH. I'm feeling some tylonal, and some sleep coming on!

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