Saturday, June 19, 2010

IRELAND - trip 4

I LEAVE TOMORROW!!!! I'm headed back to Ireland for 4 whole weeks! It's time for Christian Camp of the Arts again! I'm headed over a week earlier than last year to help get stuff ready, learning the dramas I'm in, and learning dances. I'll be there doing that kind of thing for 2 weeks. Then, the first week of July is Camp!!! (We're praying for 300 kids, so please join us!) Then I get to play for a week. I'm planning to go to Carlow and spend some time with Alan's family. I'm hoping this includes a day of riding horses! I also plan to spend alot of time with Alan...of course.

Anyway, with any luck I'll catch some computer time and blog what's happening - but I wouldn't count on it...last year I was there for 2 1/2 weeks and took about 20 pictures - most of them the 3 days I was there post-camp! We'll see! :)

Here are some prayer requests:
* Safe, on time flights
* 300 kids
* safety for all kids and workers during camp

Thanks folks! And now...back to cleaning!

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