Sunday, September 26, 2010

Alan's here!!!

So yesterday morning Alan left Galway very early in the morning to make his flight in Dublin. His flight was on Continental from Dublin to Newark, leaving Dublin around 9 am and landing in Newark around 11 am (don't you love changing time zones?!). We knew he had an extremely long lay over in Newark (until about 9 the next morning) so he went to the Continental counter and asked if he could somehow catch an earlier flight. They told him, "No" his ticket was too cheap. So he asked about flying stand-by and they told him, "No" his ticket was too cheap.
Well, I decided that if Continental didn't want his money to fly in sooner, that I would see what I could do with miles. I called American Airlines and used my frequent flyer miles and got him on a flight in last night! We were so excited that he got to come in early! That meant he'd be here all day today!
We sorta had planned to go down to Burleson and go to LifeGate this morning, but that didn't work out so we went to church with Allison. After church we went to eat at Los Cucos with Mom, Dad, Thomas, and Allison. After lunch, in effort to rememdy my lack of pictures from previous trips, I insisted we take pics. We took our traditional 'couple' picture,
and then we took a picture of us doing something other than hugging because our friend Reagan always teases us that we only ever hug.
PS - did I mention I'm sooooo glad he's here?! For a whole week?! Yeehaw!

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