Saturday, October 23, 2010

Back Blogging: Pictures of Me and Alan

Instead of trying to go back and put this in the right place, I'm just going to post it now!

This summer when I was in Ireland, our friend Daniel O'Brien took some pics of me and Alan. Here are some of those pics!

We started off in Barna Woods....

Then we headed to Furbo Beach...I know there are several of these, but the sky is simply amazing!

I love the way he's looking at me in this one...

Finally we went to Connemara Coast Hotel

This is one of my favorites!!

Many thanks to Daniel for much fun and great photos! Oh, and in answer to the most common question -- these are not engagement photos...they were just taken for the sake of having decent photos of the two of us since we are soooo far apart...for now.

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