Sunday, October 24, 2010

My House

So, I have a one room apartment in here in Sherman. Some days I wonder why I did this to myself, others I just wonder if I'll ever get everything hung up and put up. Either way - here are some pictures of what it's looking like....

The bathroom

My new bookshelves in my room

My dresser top

The whole effect...(the frame on the far left is now filled with pics of me and the Boyfriend)

The TV with the new shelves beside it

New shelves under the bar where Ratfink keeps watch

My game/hat cabinet in the dining area with pictures of the boys and the first bouquet of flowers the Boyfriend sent me...

I am by no means finished...most of the pictures have yet to be hung, and I have stuff that won't go into the storage on the balcony until I clean out some of the school stuff....but it's getting there! :)

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