Thursday, November 18, 2010


So, instead of backblogging...which I may (or may not do) at some point...I'm just gonna do some updates!

*Mercy has gained weight and is not playing with toys! This is very exciting b/c she slept...all the time...for 2 months.

*I'm in a musical here in Sherman. It's called Beautiful Star and runs from Dec 3-19. I'm really excited to be back on stage!

*My brother in law is conducting in New York this May and I plan to sing in his choir!

*In just one short month The Boyfriend will be back! He's coming for Christmas and then we'll go over to Ireland for New Year's.

*I am going to be an elementary teacher. Next week I move to the elementary school for a few weeks. I'm excited to have this opportunity!

*Next week we get 3 days off! I can't wait! Philip and I are doing Thanksgiving for our Indian friends too!

That's all...

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