Saturday, February 19, 2011

Testing and Fun

Today my boss and I took the practice test for Secondary ELAR certification. I don't like this test. It consists of 90 multiple choice questions and an essay. I can do the multiple choice (I got 78.75% on that part of the test today). It's the essay I don't like. It's hard. You have to read paired passages and compare the themes and literary devices used which support the theme. HUH? I know I've spent most of my last several years of teaching in a High School setting, but my students are rarely on grade level. Translation: I don't know what the heck I'm doing with this essay thing!

Today we weren't technically required to write the essay - so I didn't. I, instead, did most of the brainstorming and then started the essay. I then read the 4 sample essays within the booklet and decided I could write at least a 2. I then called it a day!

Both my boss and I were done with the testing by 12 so we went to eat at P.F. Changs. It was super yummy! Then we wandered Pet Smart, looking at all the puppies and kitties there for adoption. We also perused the toys and treats aisles before leaving.

We hit the road back to Sherman, but got stuck in traffic in McKinney. We realized it was McKinney Trade Days and decided it would be safe to stop since neither of us had very much money. We walked around and all was fine until we hit "Barkley Way", or something like that. This aisle was everything dog! Here's what Mercy got:

Her very own collar - complete with pink bling and id tag. Here she is modeling it along with her new hairbow and a dress that my boss gave her for Christmas:

In case you can't tell from those pictures, here are two more showing you exactly how Mercy feels about playing dress-up:

I'd say, this day wasn't all together too bad!

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