Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break...the beginning

On Friday, which I consider the official beginning of Spring Break, I headed to Grandmother's. We had a lovely BBQ dinner and watched CSI. Then, due to some issues with her TV we watched a movie on my laptop. Then we went to bed. It was wonderful to spend some time with my sweet Grandmother. On Saturday morning Grandmother and I had a lovely breakfast during which we discussed wedding plans and other such things. Then I got myself cleaned up and headed to Fort Worth. I got there in time to have lunch and hang out with Kelly and Val. We went and looked at wedding rings to go with my engagement ring, and did a bit of shopping. That night Val and I played Pokeno (I won sunglasses and some bracelets!). Sunday I went to Living Water Church. I love my church here in Sherman - very much...but Living Water is like going home. It's the people who I worshipped with for 8 years - they're family. I have a wonderful new family here in Sherman - and I am so grateful for them...but it was an amazing Sunday morning in FW! Sunday evening I got to spend time with the Tucker's. We hung around the house and chatted until about 10! Of course, Kathryn and I talked wedding (what else should a bride and her bridesmaid talk about?!). It was great to spend some time with them and to have them meet Mercy! Sunday night (later) I drove back to mom's house and took her to the airport on Monday morning. Then Danielle and I went up to Sherman to pack me for my week in Georgia. Sadly, by this time the little tickle in my throat that started Friday night has blossomed into a full blown allergy attack. I didn't feel too great Monday evening, and honestly didn't sleep great before my horribly early flight on Tuesday. Sometimes, though, good times override a bad cold! :) (Pictures to come.....)

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