Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Frustration with the blog

So the post below has no line spacing. Seems that no matter how many times I hit return, when I publish the post it runs all the lines back into one big paragraph. I just want to say a) that's annoying b) I do know how to use return and did when typing...just when I published they were taken out... c) that's annoying. ...and with that...I'm going to be done with blogging tonight...Good night!


  1. Grrr -- it did it again on this one...sigh.

  2. I have the same issue...I end up editing it in the HTML editor. If you put
    between your paragraphs, it will automatically make a space.

    UNFORTUNATELY, sometimes it decides to accept the return as a space also, so if you do this, you someimes get 2 huge spaces, instead of no spaces at all. Very frustrating!

  3. Ok, I may have typed that wrong last time - put
    and that should cause a line break. Hope that helps!
