Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer is here...

I am always excited when school ends and summer begins. Here's what I'll be doing this summer.....

*Planning a wedding...there's so much to do and though it seems like we've got lots of time -- there's only 3 months and 11 days. WOW!

*Hopefully going to Ireland -- time for my summer visit! I so look forward to seeing my friends and future family members!

*Summer school - I am teaching one student, one hour a day, 4 times a week for 4 weeks. That equals about $500!

*Taking a certification test -- I need to take my generalist 4-8 test.

I think that's all...I mean, I know that's not all -- but those are the highlights.

Now, just because I know people read blogs for's one from Mother's Day:

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